Shipping & Returns

How will my order be shipped to me?

All of our items are shipped with International Shipping and have a tracking number. They will arrive in a small bubble envelope or box depending on size. 

How long will it take to ship my order?

We will process your order within 24 hours on business days. Once your order ships, it will take about 6-14 days for your order to arrive, depending on your country.

Due to the situation regarding COVID-19, delivery times may be delayed. However, this is unpredictable and depends on the local situation regarding COVID-19. Please, visit our tracking page for updates regarding our deliveries.

We’ve got you covered at all times, no matter what!

How much will shipping cost?

Shipping fees depend on the product and destination and will be calculated at checkout. For most products the shipping fee is included. These products will have a ‘free shipping’ label on them.

What is your return policy?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase simply contact us here or at within 30 days of delivery of your item and we will gladly walk you through returning your order to us for a refund. Refunds will be granted after our refund department has received the product and inspected it.

Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. Please keep any receipts.

There is a problem with my order. What do I do?

Please contact us here or at and we will work to correct the problem as soon as possible. Our customer service will answer you within 24 hours.

Read our full policy on returns and warranty here in our Terms & Conditions.

How can I track my order?

You can track your order on the tracking page using your order number and email.

Please note that because we ship to various destinations we use various delivery services and goods are transferred to local delivery services or postal companies. It is up to the delivery service to update the tracking codes. Some delivery services may not provide a timely or accurate tracking service at all.

We’ve got you covered in all cases! We care for our shoppers.